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Mission, Message and Objectives


A distinguished university in education and community partnership 


SAU is working on qualifying graduates that are able to compete in labor market. Which it would be achieved through providing education meets international standard, highly qualified faculty members, and effective community partnership, along with supportive management system.


The Executive Committee of the project has derived four main values from Islam. These four values considered fundamental to the university business and relations moral governor between its members.

SAU’s moral values are perfection, justice and integrity, teamwork, and transparency and accountability and hereinafter a definition of each of which:

1- Perfection: means being aware from Allah is watching you when conducting all work, and then abiding to quality standard and seeking excellence, along with constant development.  

2- Justice and Integrity: means treating all the university members according to the same standard with no prejudice.

3- Teamwork: means Airing team spirit of achievement, and to encouraging cooperation between individuals and groups to achieve the tasks and goals.

4- Transparency and Accountability: means documenting and publishing reports of the university performance and trends, along with answering all inquiries related to them without delay.


Ten key strategic objectives were appointed in which they addressed the ten issues that concluded from the diagnosis study for the current situation and the comparative references. 

These objectives are as follows:

1- Nurturing the students and developing their abilities.

2- Attracting outstanding faculty members and retaining them.    

3- Developing the education and providing an attracting educational environment.

4- Maintaining a continuous development and enhancing the applications qualities.

5- Serving graduates and interacting with the labor market.

6- Fulfilling the infrastructure of graduate studies and scientific research.

7- Completing University’s infrastructure.

8- Building an effective local and global partnership.

9- Growing SAU self-funding manners.


10- Establishing a supportive administration system.  

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